
Dr Clara Fontinha

Languages spoken:

  • French
  • English
  • Portuguese
  • Doctor of dentistry
  • Doctor of dentistry
  • SSO specialist in orthodontics
  • University master of advanced studies in dentistry (MAS in orthodontics)
  • Lecturer in the Division of Orthodontics at the University of Geneva

Clara Fontinha graduated in Dentistry in 2011, in Lisbon (Egas Moniz School of Health & Science). After completing her studies in Dentistry, she does postgraduate training in Pedodontics, also in Lisbon.

Parallel to this, she works as a general practitioner in private practice and does clinical supervision of Dental Medicine students, on the field of Pedodontics and the management of patients with disabilities, at Egas Moniz School of Health & Science.

Clara Fontinha attends the 4-year full-time orthodontics specialization program at the University of Geneva, between 2012 and 2016. In 2017, she travels to the University of Aarhus as a visiting research fellow.

In 2018, she finalizes the Maîtrise Universitaire d’études avancées en Médecine Dentaire (MAS), in orthodontics, and also becomes a provisional member of the European Orthodontists Network (EBO – European Board of Orthodontists).

In 2021, Clara Fontinha completes her Doctorate in Orthodontics, at the University of Geneva.

During her career, Clara Fontinha makes several international collaborations and publications on the field of orthodontics.

Clara Fontinha is passionate about clinical orthodontic practice and always develops an empathetic relationship with all her patients. She joined the Centre Médico Dentaire Balexert + Blandonnet in 2017 as an orthodontist and, at the same time, she holds an academic position in the Orthodontics Division of the Clinique Universitaire de Médecine Dentaire de Genève (CUMD), as a Chargée d’Enseignement.

Clara Fontinha is passionate about the clinical practice of orthodontics and always develops an empathetic relationship with all her patients.

Clara Fontinha is a regular presenter at international congresses in the field of Dentistry and Orthodontics, and a member of the EPSOS (European Post-Graduate Orthodontic Society) Committee from 2014 to 2016. She is part of the group responsible for organizing the EPSOS annual congress.

Certifications: Speed, Incognito, Win, Spark, Invisalign